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Learning and trying to be kind and living my life as fully as I can stand it.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Post 1 of 40

Turning 40 in a few weeks. Decided a few weeks ago that I was going to try to post daily for the 40 days prior to my birthday. . . except I already missed the starting point necessary to make that happen. That seems like a correct assessment of things, these days and possibly always for me.

Posting every day will be hard considering I don't think I posted 40 times last year. And I am a mess mentally and emotionally these days so the urge to write is. . . constant and easy to ignore because it feels so hard to a) get my butt in the chair and b) write words and send them out for other people to read because then the mess that is inside will be outside.

So it won't be pretty. It will be rough and full of mistakes, grammatical and otherwise. The things on my mind the most are my marriage, racism, sexism, my children, my work, this administration and my actual self--you know, what makes me me. All of those things feel scary to write about so I'm not sure what will make it on the page.

For now, here is a picture of the rain-filled, sickness-filled, disappointment-filled family vacation we took last week. I guess I mean my disappointment because the kids amazingly had fun. There's a lesson for me in that if I can get my mind right enough to pay attention to it.

Other random bits: if there's something you'd be interesting in reading about in this possibly impossible 40 posts by Megan, send a note to homeinsf@gmail.com or leave a comment.

If you're open to diversifying your Facebook feed to do better about listening to voices from people of color here are some suggestions that are funny while being enlightening:


Awesomely Luvvie

Here are words I'm thinking about a lot:

Would be very open to hearing thoughts and opinions on these two concepts.